Monday, August 27, 2007


First, a couple of explanations:
- "Skill Factor" is the numeral used to determine skill points at character creation and with each level. At creation, the number of skill points is determined by the formula (SK + Int Modifier) X SK. At each level, skills are increased by the formula SK + Int Modifier.

- The progression formulas are slightly confusing, I'll update this post with tables as soon as I can. For now, use them as reference and we'll hash out anything that's not clear if it comes up in the meantime.

- For character progression, I'll be assigning "build points". Build points can be spent as follows: 2 BP per 1 Attribute Point, 4 BP per 1 Power Rank, 1 BP per 1 Skill Rank. Note that certain classes have these costs cut in half for appropriate abilities.

And here are the classes -

These characters are uncanny at soaking damage. Either through supernatural forms, acquired armor, or simply by being ultra-tough, these are the characters that should run in the room first, and do their best to attract all the nasty attention.
Skill Factor - 4
Hit Dice - d12
Attack Bonus - +1 every other level (extra attack @ level 12)
Ref Bonus - +1 every third level
Will Bonus - +1 every other level
Fort Bonus - +1 every other level
+1 BP per level, +6 every five levels (cost for defensive skills & powers is half)

Gadgeteers, computer savants, psychics, mad chemists... this class of characters are most likely to laugh maniacally in a dungeon, but they're also most likely to discover an antidote or derive the bad guy's true intentions.
Skill Factor - 8
Hit Dice - d8
Attack Bonus - +1 every other level (extra attack @ level 12)
Ref - +1 every third level
Will - +1 every other level
Fort - +1 every three levels
+2 BP per level, +7 every five levels (cost for int skills & powers is half)


An all-around butt kicker. Not especially anything, but exceptionally everything, this character will not be defined by any one power... rather a combination that works together to create the team member who is most likely to succeed.
Skill Factor - 4
Hit Dice - d10
Attack Bonus - +1 each level (extra attack @ level 6)
Ref - +1 every third level, then every other (2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5...)
Will - +1 every three levels
Fort - +1 every third level, then every other (2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5...)
+1 BP per level, +6 every five levels (cost for attributes and improving current powers is half)

This is the sneaky lot. Either very quick, unusually nondescript, invisible, or otherwise - these characters make their business by not being seen. Typically coupled with a skill set in espionage or theft, these characters make for very useful teammates on both sides of the law.
Skill Factor - 6
Hit Dice - d6
Attack Bonus - +1 each level for two levels, then every other [1,2,3,3,4,5,6,6...] (extra attack @ level 6)
Ref - +1 every other level
Will - +1 every third level, then every other (2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5...)
Fort - +1 every third level, then every other (2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5...)
+1 BP per level, +8 every five levels (cost for stealth skills & powers is half)

The face, the talker, the negotiator, the bait. Either through an amazing set of communication skills, or supernatural charisma, or both, these characters are adept at convincing you that they're adept (or anything else).
Skill Factor - 6
Hit Dice - d6
Attack Bonus - +1 each level for two levels, then every other [1,2,3,3,4,5,6,6...] (extra attack @ level 6)
Ref - +1 every third level
Will - +1 every other level
Fort - +1 every third level
+1 BP per level, +6 every five levels (cost for charisma skills & powers is half)

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